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Thursday, April 8


Written by: Brian Neudorff

I just can't keep up anymore, it's like the egg. Once it was good for you, then it was bad, then good again now it's both good and bad. I think cows and meat are becoming the same thing. I came across this story on Twitter this morning from another meteorologist I follow. It's a story that comes from the UK Telegraph: Cows absolved of causing global warming with nitrous oxide.

There was a recent study that showed that livestock could actually be good for the environment because grazing cows or sheep can cut emissions of a powerful greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide. The study does go on and say that producing livestock for food is not necessarily good for all countries.


  1. It's ridiculous how all of these studies flip flop all over the place. The egg comparison is a good one. If the experts can't get this straight, who can? I say we just eat what we want and live how we want (within reason, of course), and leave the rest to the good Lord.

    Live and let live!

  2. Brian, what's up with the large spread in temps? It's struggling to get above 45 at Charlotte, yet it's nearing 70 or better south of the city.

    Is it that same pesky warm front that is meandering around? Or is this a lake breeze setting up?

  3. Gotta love mesoscale! It's 43 at Charlotte, and 78 in Pittsford. A 35 degree spread within about 20 miles. Incredible!

  4. It's definitely lake influenced without seeing winds from around the lake I would say like yesterday, it is more of a marine layer than it is lake breeze.

    With some sunshine peeking out, some storms later this afternoon and evening could be gusty. I think the best place for any strong to severe storms is through central and eastern NY where temperatures are much warmer and they've seen more sunshine.

  5. That's the joys of living near a lake especially this time of the year. As air temperatures get warmer it takes a lot longer and more energy to warm and even cool large bodies of water.

  6. It really is cool. I don't think enough people appreciate or realize just how diverse our climates are around here. When you think of a marine layer, you think of like San Francisco, but we get it right here in our backyards courtesy of the great lakes. And I think the marine layer makes more sense than a lake breeze because of all that fog. Check out the weather cam of Charlotte lighthouse. It's near zero visibility at times up there.


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