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Thursday, July 1


Written by: Brian Neudorff

In a debate that ranks up there with Climate Change, which came first the chicken or the egg, and less filling or tastes great is which is the best summer weather, hot and steamy or cool and comfy. It is always interesting to get emails from viewers in response to how we deliver a particular weather forecast or weather conditions. When it comes to summer weather I've learned you will never please everyone. I will be honest I love this kind of weather we've seen the last few days. The cool, comfortable air and the bright sunshine is great. I love having my windows open and not sweating to death but that isn't for everyone. When we get days like these and I come across a little too happy about the cool down I've received emails from people not happy that I am happy it is cooler. Then when we warm up and I appear too excited or happy about the heat and steam I've received emails saying that not everyone like the heat and I need to think about them when I deliver the forecast.

You can't please everyone you learn this very early in your TV career. I look at it this way if I get complaints from both side I must be doing my job right. Sounds silly I know, but I will let you know I try to think about everyone and all the different opinions when I deliver the weather. Because we have this blog I thought I would let all of you weigh in on which summer weather conditions you like best.


  1. i love this weather:)))!!!!!!!! it could be a little warmer but i am not complaining:)

  2. The summer season is way too short. Bring on the Heat!!

  3. Brian, I gotta tell ya, I LOVE the cool and comfy. I work outside every day, and the 90 degree weather is no fun.

  4. Cool days AND NIGHTS!-- with bright crisp 'Fall-Like' weather is ideal for me, too!
    It toughens us, and prepares us for the winters to follow-- (Or keeps us strong!)
    When you get so you can't stand the COLD--(And that includes during the summer time!) then you have to move out of the North Country-- and I am not eager to do that!

  5. The cool weather has been great, but the clouds and rain is no fun.


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