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Friday, December 31


Written by: Brian Neudorff

We are closing out 2010 and as I looked back on the weather locally, there wasn't much excitement. Here are a few that topped my list of weather headlines for 2010. Keep in mind this is locally and in our viewing area. I welcome you to add your top weather events not only here but nationally or across the globe. Also feel free to ask or discuss what you want. Happy New Year everyone.

In Chronological Order:
1) February 26 Snow Storm - Really the only synoptic snow event that mattered the whole winter of 2009-2010. Rochester picked up 11.8 inches of snow from that storm. It also help salvage a February that was not very snowy.

2) Lack of Snow in March - If it wasn't bad enough that the 2009-2010 winter started with just a trace of snow in November, March came along and gave us the same, just a trace of snow. This is also the first time ever that March was snowless in Rochester. It was obviously also the first time it was snowless in both November and March.

3) Warmest Start to April EVER - April hasn't started the first 10 days this warm since records have been kept going back to 1884. From April 1-10, Rochester's average temperature (high and low divided by 2) was 57.4 degrees! A whopping 15.8 degrees over the normal to date.

4) 3rd Warmest April & Very Warm Spring - 3rd warmest April ever in the 140 years of Rochester records. 4th Warmest March-April combo in the 140 years of records. March-April combined snowfall of 0.2 inch was least in history

5) June 23 Quebec Earthquake - 5.0 Earthquake shook the region in the afternoon and flooded our newsroom and weather office with phone calls. It was the 5th strongest earthquake in our region.

6) July Heatwave - July 5th through the 8th saw four straight days of 90 + degree highs. It was the first heat wave in Rochester since August of 2007.

7) Warmest Spring Summer Combo & Wet Summer - The average temperatures was 2 degrees above normal with 2 separate heat waves in Rochester last summer. Rainfall was a little more complicated. Over 14" of rain fell throughout the Summer but 8" of that came on 6 different days.

8) Record All-Time Snowfall December 2010 - 46.5 inches of snow breaks the previous record of 46.2" from 2008.

Now what do you think, did I miss something? Let's hear yeah and most importantly thank you for all the contributions this year. This blog would be boring monologues if not for the conversation and comments and again Happy New Year.


  1. Any noteworthy rainfall or air mass battles that created any tornadic activity? I don't recall any in N-C Wayne County.

  2. i can't recall any tornadic activity. I recall the eastern side of the city of Rochester getting flash flooding in June or July (can't remember which month). The area around Wegmans on East Avenue was flooded quite badly. Some vehicles were stuck at the RR underpasses at both Atlantic Ave and Winton Rd.

  3. Looks like another boring week of weather next week.

  4. Looks again like we are going to miss yet another storm. Again it will be to far east of us. It is the same pattern either to far east or going west.

  5. Anonymous not going to give up hope yet for something next weekend or the following weekend. Stay positive and Western NY will get a good size storm.

  6. Everyone must be eating or still hungover because it is quiet on here. I will say this Henry W may be wrong that the storm hits us but he is right that there will be a good Noreaster next weekend and the following someone will get hit.

  7. I am holding out hope it's us...BOTH TIMES :)

  8. Where are the knowledgable weather people like DK and Charles because I think no offense Henry W. is a little far fetched with his hope. So, where are the experts who can read the models?

  9. Reading some of the current models once again things will be to the east of us to get significant snow next weekend.

  10. I am wondering where the New Years Day post is from the weather guys at News 8???

  11. I am standing by ya Henry W. Come on Bernard, do you know for a fact that Henry is not knowledgable? He has to be onto something of I dont think he post what he does. I dont know a thing about weather except that it is outside, if it is wet, it is raining, white, it is snowing...I would not post on here that we are going to or MAY be getting a storm if I did not have some knowledge of it. Not trying to break your stones but maybe you should ask Henry how he gets his info before you make him sound like an idiot!
    With that said, I read an interesting article on how the next jet stream MAY stop storms from coming up the East coast. Anyone have input on that? Does it push them more inland toward WNY or shove them OTS in the south? The article also said we MAY be in for some really cold artic air by mid month which COULD bring some LES that MAY hit us down here in the southerntier too :) Bring it!!

  12. I study alot of different models and I study them early for long term implications and patterns. Not always the best way to do it because things will change often. I am by no means an expert. What I believe now with a strong certainty is based on the the model agreement at the current time there will be a good storm next weekend and I believe the following weekend. The ingrediants for strong storms are in place but that has to be watched. I am just hoping for Rochesterians that we get the sweet spot of the storms. It is way to early to predict that but I am hoping for all of you snow lovers. My opinion and heart tells me the storm next weekend will hug the coast but be more inland impacting western Pa. and western NY.

  13. dont get your hopes up haarps will kill that

  14. Henry, did you see that article on accuweather about the jet stream pattern change? I found it interesting. I think it was that same article that had the bit about the artic blast coming down into the plain states and eventually spreading to us. I was interested in your take on that? Also, where would we need the low to sit in order for us to get a nice storm? My GUESS would be inland PA?

  15. Both the GFS and Euro models indicate what could potentially be WNY's first general, accumulating snowfall of the season (meaning, everybody gets measurable snow - not just the lake effect belts). A low will likely drop down from the upper midwest and intensify as it crosses our region. This won't be a major snow storm, but it will probably a good, equal opportunity snow for all. Probably something along the lines of 3-5 or 4-8 inches (advisory criteria snow). And yes, areas downwind of the lakes will likely get even more with some lake enhancement. One potentiality as well is that the low bombs out to our east and throws back even more snow and wind...but this depends how quickly it intensifies and where it tracks. But either way, expect to have our snow cover back (and possibly a healthy snow pack, at that) by this time next week.

  16. I left out the most important part...this snow I mentioned is projected to be sometime around Thursday into Friday (maybe lasting into the weekend if lake effect cranks up). Also...prior to this event, there looks to be a more "modest" brush of snow across much of the region around Tuesday.

    Snow is on the way, one way or another. So don't give up hope yet, despite the progressively warmer temperatures that was supposed to happen over the next few weeks as Mr. Metcalfe would have us believe. As expected, it's not looking that way.

  17. Thanks DK! I knew that Henry and You (from earlier posts). I will keep the fingers crossed and do my Tennessee snow dance! I just got my Truck back from having my 3 inche leveling lift installed and a fresh set of Cooper ATR's! Going to hook up the plow today and patiantly wait!...who am I kidding, I wont be patiant, I want snow!! Also DK, do you have any input on the jet stream pattern change and how it will effect east coast storms? Thanks!

  18. Not sure why Bob is saying January will be warmer than normal. Even the NWS states that the whole country will be below normal temp wise through mid january at least. It still has us below normal precip though.

  19. Chris,
    The pattern will become more favorable for clipper type systems to cross our region from Canada and the upper midwest. These systems will help create general, synoptic snowfalls, along with reinforcing shots of cold air and lake effect / enhancement. These snowfalls will likely be modest, however. I don't see any major snowstorm from a coastal low, because the pattern will not be particularly favorable for what is called "phasing" of the jet streams which helps promote major storm developement. With that said, however, I would expect the persistant parade of modest synoptic snowfalls along with constant below freezing temps to begin to really mature our snowpack once again. Even the middle Genesee Valley should have several inches by this time next week. Also, the Euro and GFS show continued cold for the next couple weeks, with the cold potentially growing even colder by mid January.

  20. Thanks for the input DK. We are just getting a few flurries down this way off of what Erie is pushing out. Maybe that will pick up more later on this evening....

  21. So, what you are saying is that the nickle and dime type snow is back again. Yeah!!!

  22. Ontario- 5:00 PM Trace of snow, no precip. at present. .06 last 24 hrs. 27.4F. Pressure 30.00 been holding pretty steady. Winds NW 4 MPH.

  23. What about this Thursday into Sunday? looks like a storm? maybe some lake effect and lake enhancement?

  24. Models still all over on that storm. Probably more in SNE area for bigger snows. More will come to light mid week. I think the time to watch could be the following weekend for a possible blockbuster for someone.

  25. Dk seems confident we will get some "plowable snows" thursday to Sundat\y

  26. 9:38 PM and we are getting a good blast of snow from Erie down here in Sparta! The ground is covering up again so I am happy. If only is started earlier as it would have been nice to watch all day from the recliner!!


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